Building and Empowering through Entertainment and Sports
A 501 (C) 3 Private Foundation
Program Overview
The Career and Business Program (CBP) is an outcome driven curriculum designed to address the career transition needs of active and former athletes and entertainers by engaging them across multiple growth and development modalities (e.g. counseling referrals, classroom lectures, panel discussions, online learning, etc.). The CBP aims to organize quarterly cohorts with athletes and entertainers by functional area of business or industry interests. Cohorts are established when at least ten individuals commitment to completing the steps outlined below.
Weekend Seminar
Participants must commit to (1) one-on-one and counseling, (2) skill-building assignments, (3) personal and professional goal-setting, (4) cohort career brainstorming, and (5) multiple networking assignments.
Distance Learning
Participants will be provided with credentials to utilize a closed, web-based system that provides the opportunity to share business interests, ideas, needs, etc. on an ongoing basis. The following distance learning courses must be completed as a prerequisite to matriculate through the program.
General Business: Participants will be introduced to the most common functional areas of business (i.e. human resources, finance and accounting, sales, marketing, customer service, research and development, operations, general administration and information systems technology), asked to select a competency focus and a secondary focus, and coached to develop an ideal business mentor profile.
Finance: Participants will be provided individual and group instruction designed to frame healthy and realistic steps towards financial freedom. Individuals will be matched with an accredited financial services coaches that will provide a personalized financial audit, credit analysis, and a net worth statement.
Career Selection: Participants will be provided with a process for selecting a career track. Career track options include (a) shadowing, internship, employment and management trainee experiences; (b) non-profit start-up/management; or (c) for-profit startup/management. Session outcomes include a cover letter, resume, biography, and/or a personal or business capabilities statement.
Monetization Project
Participants that complete the program will be placed into a career and business fundraising cohort with the primary aim of seeding a start-up or investing in an established company. Functional area work experience, fundraising commissions, consulting work, and negotiated equity are the primary outcomes of this phase.